
Babe, your cock fell out. No, babe. It's the societal collapse.

Babe, your cock fell out. No babe, it’s the societal collapse.

Year: 2016
Technique: Digital print on carpet, photo tripods 

In the Balkan houses, the wall carpets have an anthropological importance. They perpetuate archaic symbols, customs and beliefs. Their iconographic language evolves in intricate structures, consisting of anthropomorphic, zoomorphic or phytomorphic signs. The installation simulates this old practice of narrating the reality through symbols, by mixing traditional decorative elements with the new visual language of emojis. Technically a simulacrum, the carpet unfolds an allegorical garden of critical points in the society – physical vanity (lipstick), violence (fist), taboo sexuality (butt plug), death (skull), healthcare industry (pill), intolerance for the sexual diversity (denied access sign, gay couple) and the food industry (banana, hotdog). The central piece of the garden is the famous smiling poop, surrounded by the red flowers from the traditional carpets.

The installation creates an ironic bridge between the old visual behaviours and the current communication structures.