A gang of protesters. An army. A platoon. Inflatable dolls in a production factory. Working children. Callisthenics dancers. Human rights demonstrators. A riot. Forced exodus. Strangers posing in a memory group photo. Nomads. Homeless people. John Doe. Jane Doe. Unidentified victims. A choir. A theatre audience. Children in a playground. A mass grave. A peace march. A war march. A pride parade. A concert crowd. Tourists in historical places. A carnival. New neighbours. One night standers. Chaturbate performers. Strippers. Online porn actors. Hotel staff. Cleaners. Domestics. Street artists. Backing vocalists. Web hackers. Undocumented refugees. Un-documentable refugees. People in witness protection programs. Sex workers. Incognito government agents. Expelled new born babies. Unnamed humanoid dolls. People wearing balaclavas. Crossdressers. Inner airflow blowers. Identity shapers. People in Zentai suits. Non-disclosure agreement signers. Human imitating bots. Chancellors of disguise. Sociopaths. Haters on Twitter. Violent football fans on the streets.Little traffic light men. Untraceable serial killers. Off-the-grid loners. YouTube commentators. Identity thieves. Whistle blowers. Go-go dancers. Terrorists. Cloistered nuns. Film extras. Masked Jihadi fighters. Nameless characters in novels. Women wearing burqas. Ghost writers. Ghosts. Celebrities’ bodyguards. Doppelgängers. Graffiti artists. Sex cruisers in a park by night. Unrecognisable characters in famous paintings. Gun runners. Stalkers. Flashers. Old people attracted to dogging. Orchestra players. Corpses used in anatomy classes. Hermits. Nudists on a beach. Amateur vigilantes. Ninjas. A commando squad. Clowns. Living statues in a historical square. A mime assembly. Illuminati. Shadows attached to people.